I’ve Stopped Writing

It’s been a long time since I’ve sat down at a computer and wrote anything. I sit down at a computer every day and I work, watch videos, edit videos, and sometimes play games and stream. But writing… yikes! It has been a long time.

That’s not to say I haven’t done any writing at all. Okay, it really is to say that. The last significant amount of writing I did was during the first few months of the pandemic. I finished the final edit on my book and decided to switch focus from that series for a while and start something new. It didn’t go well. See, the problem was my choice of story. It was about a global pandemic. I thought it would be great to have real time research and experience. It turned out to be TERRIBLE. And so, after struggling for a month or so, I gave up on that. Eventually I managed to start working on a different story, and so I spent time planning characters, building the world, and figuring out what happens. That went on for quite some time, before I decided I didn’t want to work on that either. I had other things to do. I was busy sewing and embroidering a ton of things as I sat at home because it was the only place to be. And it was great, because when I was sewing and embroidering, I didn’t need to think. I could watch a show or a movie and just have a good time creating things. I just didn’t have the brain to write.

That changed a few months ago. Suddenly I was excited about my stories again (even the one about the pandemic) and I started writing again. I started planning the pandemic story. I created the world and the characters. And then it hit summer. And if you know, I work for about two and a half months straight in the summer. That’s 8+ hours a day, seven days a week. There is very little that exists in that time outside of working. It’s been especially hard because we’ve been understaffed so there’s a lot more to do all the time. So for the entire summer, all I do is work, eat, and sleep. There was no writing. There was very little thinking about writing. And honestly, even as I’m coming out of the fog, I’m not sure when I’ll write again, and I kind of hate that. I love writing. Writing has done so many wonderful things for me and for my mental health. But over the last few years I’ve come across so many other things that I am just as passionate about and it’s been hard to find the time to do everything. Especially with the pesky need to work. If only I didn’t have to work, or if only I made more money from my hobbies, then things might be different. But at this point, I can’t do it all. And of all the things, writing takes the most brainpower, so it often falls by the wayside.

I hope to write again soon. I have all these ideas waiting to be told, but they just don’t want to come out. And honestly, at this point, between writing and napping, I’m picking napping every time.

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